Turning Off — The Ultimate Answer to Productivity
Stephanie Hilborn Stephanie Hilborn

Turning Off — The Ultimate Answer to Productivity

Do you want the luxury of a weekly vacation? Amazing destination — usually unvisited, a total paradise…

It’s my secret to staying embodied and focused. I have to do this, religiously. A few times a week I crash — burnt out from doing too much, part of it is the nature of my work with clients and the other part, my main job — healing myself at the deepest level. There’s a lot to bring into balance! My body tells me to stop. I can’t take in any more words, and I can get a bit more impatient. Each week I try to get more done, and each time, I find myself needing to regain perspective. The mind tries to negotiate — it is a terrorist, begging to be placated.

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The Truth About Healing
Stephanie Hilborn Stephanie Hilborn

The Truth About Healing

I was warned. “Don’t talk about healing.” People don’t like that word. Reasonable people told me that. “Use another word.” I also remember being told in post-war Bosnia by the head of the US Agency for International Development that the people of Bosnia didn’t have mental health problems after a genocide happened there. Obviously that is not a direct quote. And obviously they wouldn’t be thrilled that I am recounting this. I only bring it up because of the obvious elephant in the room that no one is supposed to have problems. Even when mass catastrophe hits, there seems to be a knee jerk reaction of “other people have that problem.”

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